Preseason turns at Crystal Mountain

Preseason turns as Crystal Mountain are somewhat or a tradition. Once the first big storm nails the Cascades you have a few days to get out before the lifts are spinning. This is the time where you can get the best terrain around in the best conditions. There is no moguls, no rope line and a generalized free for all. If you are super lucky there can be a groomer up to the Green Valley. With the storms raging in the Cascades there was rumor that the lifts could open the following day. Knowing that it was time to get out and get some powder laps in.

People were telling tales of over two feet of new snow in the mountains. Hearing that Scott and I decided the time had come to test our powder legs. With word of a possible opening at Crystal the next day we knew we had a small window to get out there. It was the perfect opportunity to preemptively track out the Green Valley.

When we arrived the resort’s freshly-plowed parking lot had compacted to ice. We were happy to see that thinking new snow was compacting for a nice base setup. At around 7:45 we were packed up and breaking trail.

Getting Preseason Turns up at Crystal Mountain

By 9:30, we’d reached the top of Green Valley, where a few faint tracks from the day before were barely visible. Otherwise the bowl was untracked. We were making our first turns in knee deep and thigh deep powder, getting the feel for riding powder again! After that first run, we knew we just had to get some more, We quickly transitioned back to skinning without a word between us.

As we skinned up the ridge we noticed that the valley below was bustling with activity. By noon, we’d encountered many others with the same idea. Midway through the day, we met up with Crystal local who took a few turns with us.

Our last lap was 2000 vertical of untracked powder down East Peak and soon we were base before a celebratory beer at the Naches Tavern in Greenwater. It was a beautiful day of powder laps, rooster tails, and face shots. It was a great start to the season.

Thank you for reading this trip taking preseason turns at Crystal Mountain. If you want to see more ski tours within Crystal Mountain Backcountry check out this link.

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