The Final Storm in Japan, Mid March 2019

Finally the storm came after 3 and a half weeks of waiting and only 2 days of good resort riding I finally got another half meter deep storm just 3 days before I was bound to leave Japan.

I had planned on staying later in the season as it was a low time in the season leaving us with prime lines all to ourselves.

We were a bit worried that we would feel the ice underneath of the avalanche debris but everything rode perfectly.

Lap after lap we had the place to oursleves switching who was handled the camera on each lap.

We had gone from ice to powder conditions in a little more than 24 hours and it was awesome to ride gem line after gem line sticking to south facing slopes in the morning than heading to north in the afternoon.

Finding waist deep snow along the way in deep gullies without the rush of crowds.

Lap after lap we would break in a traverse trail and pushing it a little bit further lap after lap leaving us with open drainage’s time after time.

We rode open trees from bell to bell from 1st gondola to last and had every run to ourselves as we smashed as much vert as possible milking zone after zone.

It was by far my best resort day of the season and sadly my last powder day in Japan but atleast the snow finally delivered…..once in a month!!!