Spire Col in Glacier Peak Wilderness Washington

The Spire Col area has a reputation for being one of the most isolated areas within the Cascades and as we found out, it lives up to the reputation. I was fortunate to be invited on a Hummel family outing with not only the Hummel twins but also there younger brother Jessy to explore this rarely ventured area.

Hiking up Downey Creek

The first day was almost 12 miles of trail hiking, some of which hadn’t been maintained for nearly a decade. The slide alder tested our patience as it clung to our skis forcing us to crawl up Bachelor creek trail. Before long we were happy to reach tree line and drop down to Cup Lake. Once there we set up camp and started making our way towards Dome Peak

Ski Touring Towards Spire Col

Avalanche dangers were a real concern with the forecast calling for extreme conditions. It quickly became apparent that the possibility of wet slides had become a real issue. We started our day before the slopes were baked in the early morning sun. Skinning up we quickly noticed the snow still soft from the night before.

Everything was going according to plan as we skinned up to Illowet ridge. This was a new area to me but I had heard it was the exit to the Ptarmagin Traverse. Looking up the clouds were leaving odd shapes in the sky.

Before long Glacier Peak was looming in the distance. Looking to the south we could see the north facing glaciers. While we were only a few miles away it would take days to get out there.

Soon we were standing on top of the col much earlier then expected. While we were high in elevation the sun felt like an oven. We quickly decided that Dome Peak would be a bad idea and instead we would ride the Spire Col area. Once we were done with a much needed break it was time to transition to snowboarding.

Snowboarding Down From Spire Col

Each turn would cause a severe fast moving wet slide so we were forced to ride cautiously. While the snow was wet and heavy it was still enjoyable. Riding down I worked with the features around us slashing turns on the high walls. In the distance we could make out Tenpeak Mountain behind Glacier Peak. What we were lacking in conditions we were making up in views.

For the next few hours we would lap the lower slopes of Spire Col. Finding random spots to hit features we made the most out of our trip. While we were riding in the snow the sun made it feel like summer.

Though our plans of riding Dome Peak fell apart it was still a great day to get out. The views of the North Cascades were stunning and it just made me want to return another day.

While it was a long hike in it was more then worth it to share this experience with the Hummels and my good friend Dan. In my personal opinion the Glacier Peak Wilderness is the most rugged and scenic area in all of Washington and this area is a true gem. This area is a perfect example of the quote “You have to pay to play”

Thank you for reading this trip on Spire Col. If you want to see more ski tours within the Stevens Pass Backcountry check out this link.

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