1st Tour of the Season in the Remarkables backcountry of New Zealand.

Driving up to the Remarkables Looking out towards Queenstown New Zealand

The last time I had been in New Zealand was 9 years prior and although I brought a Splitboard I would say I had only used it a handful of times and once in the Remarkables Backcountry but this time around it would be my only method of snow sliding. I wanted to see how much my perception of the Island had changed and if I could immerse myself into the Splitboard culture.

I sent out a Facebook post asking if anyone was in or near the Queenstown area and would be willing to show me the ropes and I got a response from Adam Flemming who runs the Splitboardnz site. The minute I arrived he was waiting at the airport and was kind enough to provide shelter, beta and both Adam and his fiance Jaime were great touring partners. The day after I arrived were were off to the snow heading up to the Remarkables Backcountry outside of the Ski Resort.

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