No new snow in Japan for 3 weeks

After a week of good snow a front came in and rained to the top of the mountains leaving the place a ice skating rink. Soon enough it was just my good friend Kyle and me (yes 2 Kyle’s) waiting for the snow to come back.

We spent our time heading out and taking photos and timelapses of the mountains making the most of our time.

Every day I take the first gondola up the hill and take 3 laps of untracked corduroy before heading back to town and picking up my camera and tripod to take a few shots.

My friends Adrian and Tanja showed up from Switzerland so I made sure to get them into the first gondola laps and showing them what could be if there was fresh snow and taking advantage of first cord of the morning. Before soaking in Onsen and eating Gyoza and Ramen at night.

As the time went on the days got warmer and we were able to ride slush like conditions on south facing slopes. 

Over the next week and a half Kyle and I hung around and made the best out of our time heading to the same local restaurant and having fun with our Japanese Family. 

I would head out in the morning for a few laps than return for sunset where we would wait up on the hill than ride down at sunset on once again groomed slopes stopping at spots to grab photos.

The first 3 weeks were a blur with the first week being awesome snow than nothing after that, while it sucked snow wise I made the best out of the situation keeping busy and enjoying Japanese culture.