Preparing to snowboard into the Otkol Cirque in the Khibiny Mountains of Russia
Snowboarding into the Otkol Cirque

The Otkol Cirque is one of many different alpine bowls in the Khibiny Mountains stacked with couloirs. being a 30 kilometre drive from the town of Kirovsk is a great ski tour while in the area. This zone has anything from wide open chutes to no fall couloirs that are nearly vertical. While the mountains surrounding aren’t the biggest there are more then enough steep lines to keep one busy.

For our last day of the trip we decided to go check out a couloir we had seen off in the distance from 25kms ski resort a few days prior. It was calling for pretty nasty weather but hopefully we could get some clearing inbetween. Even it if was stormy hopefully being in a steep couloir we would be able to ride while in the clouds.

Looking into the Otkol Cirque

Driving towards the Otkol Cirque we were happy that the weather was looking good. The forecast wasn’t looking promising but everything was in the sun.

Parking the car at the beginning of a snowmobile road we packed our gear. Knowing that we were getting into steep terrain we brought crampons and Ice axes.

Making our way around the bend in the road we started having a view. In the distance we could see the Otkol Cirque area with rock walls and ribbons of snow in-between.

After riding on our boards down into the valley we switched over to skinning. By now clouds had started to move in obscuring the summit of the area we wanted to ski tour in.

Soon we were crossing a massive lake with the Khibiny mountains in all directions. While we were happy with all the ski tours we had done in the past week we knew we only scratched the surface.

Before long we were making our way towards the Otkol Cirque. We had already past one massive basin before climbing up to our planned ski tour.

Soon enough we were in the Otkol Cirque. Although the top was filled with clouds we could still make out some great looking ski lines.

Our plan was to climb and ride the couloir on the left side of the photo bellow. It looked both steep and narrow and would be the perfect way to end the trip to the Khibiny Mountains.

Skinning to the base of the couloir it seemed the weather had pushed in. While we knew we were in the right spot we couldn’t see anything.

We climbed up a ways and waited for weather to improve. By now we couldn’t see anything but decided to sit there for 30 minutes before snowboarding down.

It’s a beautiful line but this just wasn’t the right day for it

When we got back to the lake the weather started to get better. Wanting to make the most out of the day we started to head towards the first valley where the sun was shining above the clouds.

It was hard to say if the clouds would clear so we went for the main chute. Having snowboarded in the area a year before we knew there was a nice looking chute in there. Though we couldn’t see anything at the moment there was no harm heading to the base of it.

Finally we spotted the apron below the chute. The clouds were coming in and out but the lower area was clearly visible.

After skinning as high as we could we switched over to bootpacking. Putting on our crampons we started heading up the steep slopes that seemed to go on forever.

The snow felt good and visibility was coming in and out. Soon enough we were around the bend and making our way towards the top.

At the top of the line we made it to this cool little col. Being situated between two massive rock walls it was a perfect transitioning spot and sheltered us from the winds.

After a quick bootpack up to the top we climbed back down and prepared for our final run in the Khibiny Mountains

Ilkka made the first turns down to a safe spot where he waited for me. While the chute was steep we were happy to find powder conditions.

Looking back at the line as we ride all the way back to the valley. While it wasn’t the line we had intended to ride it was a great way to end the trip in the Khibiny Mountains.

As we made it back to the car we looked towards 25km ski resort in the distance and the endless opportunities for this massive quiet gem. It was my third time exploring this area and I was starting to get a good idea of plans for the next season.

Thank you for reading and If you enjoyed reading this and want to see more ski tours within the Khibiny Mountains check out this link

If you are interested in this area here is a locals breakdown of the zone