Tasman Glacier Ski tour back at the Kelman Hut

Ski Touring on the Tasman Glacier

The plan was to do a ski tour on the Tasman Glacier after a wild trip up to the Liverpool Hut. Soon we were driving toward Mount Cook Village for a 4 day ski tour based out of the Kelman Hut. Our plan was to spend our time snowboarding around in hopes that the snow would be great. This would be my forth time touring around the area so by know I was quite familiar with the area.

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18 Day Symphony on Skis Traverse in Mt. Cook National Park

With a resupply of food in Twizel and a night in Mt. Cook Village Shannon and I met up with Chloe and Dan from Christchurch and my friends Christina and Peter from home in the states. We played our cards right and were able to get take a ski plane up the Tasman Valley. Thought it wasn’t the plan in the end it would turn out to be an 18 day symphony on skis.

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Snowboarding the Tasman Glacier and Ellie De Beaumont

After heading out of the Cameron Hut we refueled and stocked up on food for the next trip. It had snowed and it seemed like a weather window was coming. Wanting to make the most of clear skies we decided to head out to the Tasman Glacier in Mount Cook National Park. As the weather window was short we would be using a helicopter compared to hiking 30km up the valley.

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