OZ Splitfest with Firstlight Snowboards and Adam West

We were in a two week dry spell when I left New Zealand for Australia which was off to a solid season with a deep snowpack and awesome corn snow to be had not to mention it was great to see Adam West.

Leaving the West Coast of New Zealand

I landed in Sydney and Lee was kind enough to pick me up. Within 30 minutes of landing we were off to Jindyebyne, the Wanaka of Australia.

I was lucky enough to join forces with John Blankenstein and he took me to the secret steeps on OZ.

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OZ Splitfest 2013

I’m a tad bit behind in trip reports soo I thought I would start off by talking about my Southern Hemisphere spring trip. My 5 month journey started off with 15 hours of flights to a place that was not exactly the ski capital of the world but some may say it is the surfing capital. I set my trip so it coincided with the Australian Splitfest which is put together by Adam West who owns a sight called FirstLight Snowboards. he was kind enough to pick me up at the airport, take me to his hometown to meet his amazing family then we were off on the road to the Great Snowy Mountains, with Meat Pie in hand.

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Canuck Splitfest 2012

The following is a play by play explanation of a trip out to Rogers Pass for the Canuck Splitfest and celebrating the 50th birthday of my good friend Tex. In typical Splitboard fashion we rode big untracked lines day after day.

Friday through Sunday the Rogers Pass visitor center was buzzing with activity as the Cannuck Splitboard festival was going on for the next 3 days. I had a great time presenting both Sweetgrassses Solitaire and a 15 minute documentary I filmed with Crest Productions called Freerider, not to mention riding with a 100 individuals who shared my passion. Conditions were great with over a foot of fresh snow and mild temperatures which allowed us to reach alpine and explore the vast terrain that encompassed us. By the end of the weekend I found myself wanting more and decided to stay a few additional days when the pin point forecast showed rain for the forecast in the Washington Cascades.

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