The Wy’East Route on Mount Hood is a great alternative to the Old Chute. The route can be accessed via both Timberline and Mount Hood Meadows. While the first one starts much higher the second has a better fall line run. The descent can be almost 6,000 feet and instead of being a chute the area is a wide open face. Though it is a bit longer day then the main route we found it to be a much better ski line. After a week of riding the volcanoes of Oregon it was time to head up to Mount Hood and ride the Wy’East Route.

Riding Mount Hood via the Wy’East Route

After an interesting day on the North Sister we said goodbye to Buell. Both Ari and I were on our way north and decided to ski tour Mt Hood. Our original intention was to climb the Leuthold couloir but being late season we knew its conditions would be bad. I had done the Old Chute the year prior so check out the Wy’East Route instead. We decided that the approach from Meadows would be better then Timberline. Looking at the maps it would be a better fall line and minimal traversing. Being late June we could stay in the snow compared to the long scree climbing.

Leaving the Parking Lot we were happy to find continuous snow from the base of Mount Hood Meadows. From the start we were able to skin all the way up to the top lifts shack. Once past them we were bootpacking on scree with our boards on our packs. Though we were climbing on dirt just to our east was the Wy’East Headwall and what looked to be a perfect ski descent.

A map of our climb and ski descent of Mount Hood via the Wy'East Route

Leaving the Parking Lot we were happy to find continuous snow from the base of Mount Hood Meadows. From the start we were able to skin all the way up to the top lifts shack. Once past them we were bootpacking on scree with our boards on our packs.

Making our way up climbing on a rocky moraine with the Meadow Parking lot in the distance
Ari climbing the Scree with Meadows in the background

Climbing a Dusty Ridge to the Wy’East Face

Though we were climbing on dirt we now had a clear view of the Wy’East Route. Though we could have been skinning we found it to be much faster to stay on the dirt. It was the weekend but we were surprised how quiet this side of the mountain was. By now it was around 10 a.m. and it was the perfect day with no wind and clear skies. Our plan was to descend the Wy’East Route a little bit after noon which would give us good corn from top to bottom.

Climbing up Mount Hood with the Wy'East Route in the distance
Climbing the Scree with the Wyeast headwall in the distance

After a few hours of climbing up the dusty ridge we found ourselves on the steep headwall. With a little over 2000 vert of cramponing soon reached the summit ridge. The whole Wy’East face was empty with only one other guy climbing an hour ahead of us. We followed his boot pack up most the way until my feet started slipping out. Instead of heading straight up I started switch backing up the steepest areas.

Climbing the last bit of the Wy'East Route on Mount Hood
Ari on the final slopes before reaching the summit ridge

Arriving on the Summit Ridge of Mount Hood

After around 5 hours both Ari and I were standing on the summit ridge of Mount Hood. Looking to the west we could see the Crater and standard Hogsback Route. We could tell it was a busy weekend with around 30 people climbing and skiing. Both Ari and I were happy with our choice to climb the Wy’East Route without another person around. We rested for around a half hour taking in the view and waiting for the snow to soften.

Looking over towards the Hogsback Ridge route on Mount Hood via the Wy'East Route
Looking down into Hoods Crater from the rim

At around 1p.m. we dropped onto the 40 degree Wy’East Face. From the top we were happy to find soft and smooth corn for the first 2000 feet. Once making it down into the Heather Canyon the snow became textured in sun cups and runnels. Though we were able to ski down we had to carry our gear over a few dirt patches before arriving at the top of Meadows. Once there we were able to ride the smooth yet sticky snow to within 100 feet of the parking lot.

Skiing down the Wy'East Headwall on Mount Hood in perfect corn snow
Snowboarding down the Wy’East headwall before my camera died

In conclusion Wy’East Route is a classic with great fall line. While some people say the approach from timberline is better I disagree. Mount Hood Meadows is 1000 feet lower but makes up for it while skiing down hill. This face would be amazing mid winter with routes that you could take in all types of conditions. If Avalanches were a concern you could follow the high ridge from top to bottom. If you want to get away from the crowds and still get good skiing on Mount Hood then the Wy’East Route is a great place.

Thanks For Reading this Trip Report on the Wy’East Route of Mount Hood