Being Mid May the season was slowly coming to a close. I randomly got a message for Scott Rinckenberger who happened to be in Norway and was thinking of coming and checking out the Lyngen Alps. I was more then happy to show him around the area although he would only be there for a few days. 

Heading up to the Fastdalen Valley

I met Scott at the Lyngsedit bus station in the early afternoon and we dragged his luggage back to Davids house. By now it was early afternoon and we only had a handful of hours before dusk fell. Wanting to make the most out of his time we decided to do a ski tour in the local mountains with no specific line of interest.

Heading up into the mountains we watched the sun setting behind our backs. Fortunately it was late enough in the season that it wouldn’t get fully dark so there was no need for headlamps.

Heading over a low col we noticed this beautiful couloir at the head of the Fastdalen valley. We decided to hit up as far as we could before conditions became to icy.

With crampons on our feet we started making our way up as the sun dropped behind the mountains. From our vantage point Scott could see why I kept returning to the Lyngen Alps.

We made it halfway up the couloir before we decided to turn around. Finding a nice little wind lip we sat on the flat section for a little bit transitioning before riding back down to the Fastdalen valley.

Once at the base of the couloir we skinned back up to the Fastdalen col before riding back down to the trailhead. It was a small tour but it allowed him to get out for an introduction. 

Thank you for reading this Trip Report.

Below is the other trips in my 2015  Spring Season attempting to find good snow.