Heading back up after an afternoon ski tour
Enjoying the view from our camp on Tverelvdalstindan

The previous season I had gone on a camping trip with my good friend David and his son Elias. This time around we decided to go camping on Tverelvdalstindan. Being half way up the Cirque there would be numerous options for ski descents around the tent and I could also explore a new area to me.

Camping on the Slopes of Tverelvdalstindan

Leaving the main road we were able to skin immediately. Following the east side of the creek basin we kept moving until finding a suitable spot to to cross and start climbing. Heading up the lower section the slopes steepened a bit but before long we were on a flat section. Setting up our tent we were right at the base of the steep section of Tverelvdalstindan

Camping at the base of Tverelvdalstindan

Climbing the South Couloir on Tverelvdalstindan

Elias was tired and wanted to rest for a little while so David and I decided to climb a chute up the South side of Tverelvdalstindan. The route was steep but we had brought crampons finally arriving at a high col and looking down the North side.

Looking down the North Slope of Tverelvdalstindan

Looking down our line it was pretty steep but the snow was soft. In the wide open flats below we could see a small dot that was our tent and in the distance was our approach route. I could quickly see why David recommended camping in the area

Looking down the South slope of Tverelvdalstindan in the Lyngen Alps of Norway

For the next hour we sat around camp and took in the views of the Lyngen Alps basking in the sun. We had definitely chose a scenic camping spot and fortunately the weather was on our side.

Stunning camping Spot in the Lyngen Alps
Our basecamp at the base of Tverelvdalstindan

Before long we decided to go ski the lower slopes as a group before heading back to camp for the night. We were all pretty tired and quickly fell asleep with no real plans for the next and final day.

Heading back up after an afternoon ski tour

Day 2 Exploring the Area as Weather Deteriorates

We woke up to a cloudy sky as the weather had changed a bit overnight leaving us with flat light conditions. Wanting to do a ski run as a group we went a bit higher on the open slopes and took a run back to our camp.

David and Elias getting back from a ski run

By now Elias was having more fun hanging out in the tent and we decided to climb a line on the opposite side of our camping spot. Like the run before it was steep and would offer fall line turns back to camp. Using crampons we made quick work and once we topped out we had an awesome view of the Fjord below. David was mentioning that this was a great line into the valley if there was enough snowpack but by now it had melted out.

Looking into one of the many fjords in the area

Taking a few turns of the top I stopped at when the slope opened up to grab a picture of the rest of the line before dropping the final bit back to camp. Once at the tent it was time to head out before the weather got any worse so we packed up our gear and said goodbye to Tverelvdalstindan. Heading back down we just followed our ascent route while David and Elias skied and I went in ski mode. It was a short but awesome trip and like always I enjoy the opportunity to see new terrain.

Snowboarding back to our camp on Tverelvdalstindan

Thank you for reading this Trip Report.

Below is the other trips in my 2015  Spring Season attempting to find good snow.